The NotMom Summit 2017: The ONLY international conference for and about women without children by choice or by chance.
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Kimya Dennis, Ph.D.

Salem College
Criminologist, Sociologist & Assistant Professor
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

A childfree woman who never had a desire to have biological or adopted children, Kimya recalls when she “made official” her lack of desire and decision not to have children. She is also a sociologist and criminologist. Her teaching, research, and community activism tackle reproductive freedoms, redefining “family”, mental health, and suicide and suicidal self-harm.


Kimya had a 2013 guest post on We’re {Not} Having a Baby and a 2013 Q&A on Laura Carroll’s website. Her study of childfree people of the immediate African diaspora had 61 respondents in six countries, 58 women and three men. This study is important because it captures an overwhelmingly under-addressed population—Blacks and people of the immediate African diaspora—and highlights how the decision not to have children, like all human perspectives and experiences, is not void of various cultural influences.


Kimya also created and teaches the first known course on the childfree. This sociology special topics course is titled “The Childfree” and has been featured four times on Laura Carroll’s website.